Winds of change are blowing…

Being a South African… with all that’s going on around us… it feels like a big thunder storm is brewing. From our neighbouring country that’s right now got the military taking a stand.. to our very own country that’s dealing with terrible, indescribable murders on our farm lands. What is going to happen to this beautiful land?

Will our children’s children still be able to feel this rich soil and call it home? Will they be able to sit quietly and smell the grass on the savanna and watch the sunsets go down… feeling the deep love and pride in their hearts that we have always had?

Where do they go to? What is their future? Will they even know the blessing we have of the animals that roam this country or will they all be extinct and built away by land that’s being fought and murdered for?

I feel a deep sadness in my heart. I feel the winds of change are blowing. I will not leave this beautiful country… this is my home. My birth place and my right to be here.

I will keep looking into this deep blue sky… praying for miracles.

This… is my home.

The Fragile Mind…

The greatest love story… even through the fragile mind…
My Grandfather and Grandmother are truly one of the best and purest examples of true love. Respect, kindness and absolute appreciation for each other .. the soft hand on the shoulder or hooked round the arm…. the smile as my Grandmother would walk out of any room and their eyes met. So blessed are we to still have them in our lives… Hes now 89 and she is 84. My Grandfather has been diagnosed with Vascular Dementia… And only is completely at ease when he is around my Grandmother. Recently we had a terrible time where my Grandmother became very ill and spent a long time in hospital. His deterioration was astounding. He lost all sense of who he was… where he was…. And even who his own wife was while we would drive to the hospital to visit her every day… the most beautiful part of this story…. is how he fell in love with her every single time he got to that hospital ward door…. the light and love in his eyes…. the tears of being home. In all that fragile state of mind…. he got us all in tears when he began to sing to her…. they met when he was in a Jazz band. He would sing soft love songs to her next to her bed … And he even proposed to her in High Care and so badly hoped she would say yes to be his wife! The point is….. love….. is deep within us all. So even though you may feel hurting with your loved one not knowing or remembering…. they will always remember how you made them feel. Let them live in a love story …. any story…. as long as it feels like home. 💛💛💛

#lovestory #dementia #feelslikehome

Life or something like it…


For so many years… meeting people from all over the world… family and friends… I have been told SO many times I should be writing a book… And I HAVE to write a book… So I thought let’s try a blog first.

On this page I’m going to share stories of my very very fortunate life I’ve had living in the African Bush with animals and nature for many years. I will share views of life… my many dreams and inspirations… I will just let it flow. Whatever comes to mind.

Hope you enjoy this journey with me…
